Thursday, March 4, 2010

Loving My temple means......

Loving my temple means treating my treating myself to things I want and deserve! I lived a childhood full of deprivation and I use to indulge by going to the movies or eating ice cream or pizza. I no longer want to use those as rewards, I am worth high class treats.

Here is my list...

#1. A vacation to a beach resort. All I need on a vacation is mediation by the ocean, long walks and reading
#2 The right to wear white. I never use to wear white, because it get's dirty fast and poor people do not want to have to do laundry that often. The clothes also wear out faster. Well I am going to wear white and tan. If I have to buy more t-shirts and bleach than so be it. I think I found my new favorite color!! Good bye only black!
#3 I have the right to buy fresh grapes, peaches, strawberries and oranges any time!
#4 I have the right to make berry, banana smoothies on the week ends!
#5 I have the right to a healthy, royal vegeterian meal on the weekends!
#6 I have the right to buy salad any time!
#7 I have the right to buy the sexist under clothes I could possible dream of!


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