Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hello June and a Clean Sweep!

I have not posted in like forever. I was doing this thing where I was monitoring myself weekly and started trying to post once a week, but then I fell off the band wagon. I do better with a monthly post. Lots of things have been happening lately. I have recently been having to live on a tight budget and that has impacted my wellness journey and how I shop for food. I use to buy whatever fresh foods I needed and I shopped weekly. I was able to eat green smoothies and salads whenever I wanted. Now am shopping like once a month and I am relying on good old standby's like beans and rice. It has been a challenge to keep my health as a priority while trying to save a few bucks, but it is not impossible.

I have also decided to go back vegetarian so my flirtation with  meat has been very short lived.

This Month my goal is to do a clean sweep of my diet and wellness journey. Over the past 5 years I have been slowly building healthy habits such as drinking water, eating low calorie meals, walking, but there have been some areas that I was slacking in. This time around I am focusing on eating a low-fat diet, cutting way back on snacks and sweet aka junk food. I plan to have just one small treat a day with dinner and then abstain from snacking after dinner. I am trying to virtually eliminate eating cheese. This time my goals are not only to shed pounds but to be healthy from the inside out for joint health, digestive health, lower blood pressure, disease prevention such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

Currently I am on a 10 day Acid Reflux Diet where I am eating apples sauce, rice cakes and brown rice for 10 days in order to rid myself off all acid reflux problems before seeking any medication.

I am feeling great this month!


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