Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Month 1 Update!

Where I started: I was 283lbs. Where I am now, 273lbs. What I did: I tracked calories using live strong, stuck to a 1500 cal plan and walked daily. At the end of my first month I went out of town and had a real challenge counting and tracking calories. The experience that I had has caused me to re think my weight-loss journey approach. CLM

Friday, May 18, 2012

What I am doing now that I was not doing before

I wanted to come a document some of the things I have noticed this time around on my weight-loss journey! 1. I truly see my weight-loss as a journey not just a number goal. 2. I see how my weight-loss is connected to my mental health, not just my physical health! 3. I am getting out there and trying no foods and new activities. 4. I am tracking my food intake like it is my religion. 5. I plan my meals for the week and for the day! 6. I no longer beat myself up when I make a mistake. 7. I treat myself with kindness. 8. I believe that I am worth it. 9. I don't let other people side track me. 10. I cook! 11. I drink a ton of water all through out the day! 12. I drink green tea to fight cravings. 13. I buy low-cal snacks. 14. I don't use the movies as an excuse to pig out. 15. I turn down office treats including office cake! 16. I choose sensible foods that are within my calorie budget when I go out. 17. I get up at 5 to 6 am to walk. 18. I ate prunes! 19. I weigh myself weekly. 20. I am determined to live this way for life! CLM

7 Day Shape Up 1st 4wk update!

Ok so I have been monitoring my health progress every 7 days. So here is a brief look at what I have accomplished in my first 4 weeks! Start Date 4-21-12 Weight 283lbs Walk 20 min End Date 5-12-12 Weight 273lbs Walk 1hr daily What I was able to accomplish 1. I earned tons of badges on live strong, the 21 day fitness tracked, the 30 day log in and the 30 day food tracked badges! 2. I walked my first 5k 3. I had an appointment with a nutritionist at Kaiser! 4. I tried scrambled eggs for the first time in like 27 years! 5. I cooked and ate one of my least favorite vegetables peas with Indian seasoning and they tasted great! CLM

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I did a 5k!

I speed walked a 5k on May 6th 2012 at the San Leandro Marina. The event was San Leandro sports league Run for schools. I finished 166. I had a lot of fun and finished in one hours.

My grocery bag

What is in my grocery bag Grillers burgers, and crumbles ground turkey pre-cooked chicken strips romaine lettuce oranges strawberries broccoli tortilla chips rye crackers laughing cow cheese tuna potato indian spices miss dash spray salad dressing lemon tea dannon yogurt atkin's shakes naked shakes nuts salsa black beans brown rice mixed vegetables string beans cream of broccoli soup chicken soup whole wheat bread pop-corn deli sliced turkey CLM

Kicking Sweets to the curb!

Starting today May 16 th 2012 I am officially dumping sweets. My calories are precious and the sugar substitutes are not worth the calories frankly and the real deal is going to keep me in the fat trap. I once gave up meat for over ten years, I believe I can kick the sweet habit. I will write good bye letters to all the sweets. I plan to cope with my new lifestyle by enjoying savory chips and salsa, popcorn and nuts in moderation. I will chew gum, and drink green tea. I will still have natural sweets such as fruit, but I will be kicking the man made. I realize that a ton of food contains sugar, such as breads which have carbs. I am not eliminating carbs, just sweets as in sweet drinks, candy and desserts. Corn bread is still cool! CLM

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I am that Girl!

I am that girl that gets up at five am to walk. I am that girl that eats a big green salad before dinner. I am that girl who packs celery and carrots in her lunch. I am that girl that drinks green tea. I am that girl that cooks a meal to prepare for the week. I am that girl that tracks every bite. I am that girl that say's no thank you to the office cake! I am that girl that eat's one slice of bread on her sandwich. I am that girl that drinks crystal light! I am that girl that eats tuna. I am that girl that uses the low-fat mayo. I am that girl that eats the rice cakes. I am that girl that stuffs extra veggies in the pot. I am that girl that carries a water bottle every where. Yes, this is the real me. The me I have always wanted to be. The me that is finally free. The me that is happy! CLM

My Favorite Snacks!

I am a new convert of sugar-free and low-cal snacking. I finally decided to swap my old fatty snacks for lighter versions! I traded cheese it crackers and hot Cheetos for Quaker cheese flavored rice cakes! (250 v 70) I traded chocolate candy bars such as milky ways, snickers for Atkins Endulge bars! (250 v 110) I traded chips for pretzels! (250 v 100) I traded ice cream for jello sugar-free pudding! (250 v 100) I traded fruit snacks and fruit flavored candy for jello and sugar-free hard candy! ( 300 v 10 ) I traded the impulse to snack on random cookies at work for green tea! ( 500 v 0 ) I traded milk shakes for Atkins vanilla protein shake ! ( 1500 v 160) And I feel fantastic!