Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 3 results!!!!

Breakfast- fresh fruit salad

Lunch- Green salad

Dinner- black beans, rice, potatos, cabbage and cornbread

Drink- water

Snack- yogurt


Biggest Loser 30 day jumpstart 10 min cardio.
arms with weights 5 minutes!

Weight 264.8

May also add soups to the mix. We shall see!

Notes: Will also start doing the jumpstart exercises twice a day! Can't get derailed by these April Showers

Got my ditigital scale from home, will be using that for the rest of the week

Pizza be calling my name!

Right after my temptation to eat anything, I have to face the pizza temptation. Some co-workers brought in some cheese pizza my old favorite. It will take some strength not to brake especially since I was already hungry. I will stick to my plan, I am going to dig in my heels, go for my walk and make it happen today.


Sweating Bullets!

It is noon and I am sweating bullets, because I don't get lunch until an hour and hald from now. I have been drinking a lot of water. I am so hungry right now. I did not feel this way yesterday. I have to get through today. This mean the difference between success and failure. The only thing I have done different today is go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier. Who knew your sleep cycle could effect your hunger levels like this. It also does not help that I am bored out of my mind today.


Reflections on the Diet

So far this is the best diet I have ever had ever in the history of diets!!!!! I love eating my fresh fruit salad and my power smoothies taste great. The green salad I eat for lunch is so yummy! I really enjoyed my fish. I will have beans and rice and either greens or string beans today. I am going to start backing my string beans to see if I like them better roasted. I may have 1/2 a baked potato with them. We shall see.


Reflections on Exercise!

I love walking. Right now this is the only exercise that I am motivated to do on a consistent basis. I have thought about doing dvd's, but I just can't bring myself to do them. I am debating whether I should spend my morning doing a dvd or going out and walking. I feel like I am more likley to walk, although indoor exercise does have its advantages. I may try a 10 minute dvd exercise like the biggest loser 30 day jump start after my 30 minute walk tonight to see if I like it. For now the only thing I am locking in is the 30 minute evening stroll and the noon day strolls.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day two!


Breakfast- plum, strawberry, nut salad

Lunch- romaine salad with celery, carrots, tomatos,avocado, soy cheese, nuts and veggie patty

Dinner- yams, fish, broccoli, black beans and rice

Drink- water only

Exercise- 30 min walk

Weight 262lbs

Feeling today is very tired


Monday, March 29, 2010

Weight for post 1

Weight- 270lb see what happens when you eat out on the weekend!

New body post 1


breakfast- strawberry peach salad with sun flower seeds, 2 rye crackers with soy cheese

Snack- baby carrots with celery sticks

Lunch- romaine salad with tomatos, avocado, almonds, soy burger and honey mustard dressing

Snack- yogurt

Dinner- black beans and rice, broccoli, yams and baked fish

Drink- water only

Exercise 2 twenty minute walks.


News Flash!

The scale is your friend. According to an article in prevention, daily weighers lost twice the pounds and weekly weighers and non-weighers gained 4 pounds. I am going to start weighing myself daily with clothes on fater I come back from my evening walks. By the weight I am going for an hour a day 7 days a week after dinner. I will then come inside and do crunchies and arms exercises with weights. Happy weight-loss!

Oh yeah, I will post my weight daily, along with my food diary and walking/exercise results!

Tip# 1 Weight yourself daily

Tip#2 cut those snack veggies aka carrot and celery up and add them to your noon salad!

Tip#3 Try fresh fruit salad daily instead of smoothies, lower in sugar, add nuts for protien.


Monday Morning Recharge!

I had a decision to make this morning. I could either throw in the towel in defeat or recahrge and restart with a clean slate. I choose to recharge. I went to the grocery store and purchased all kinds of goodies, fresh strawberries, buy one get two free and Wasa crackers with soy cheese.

This morining I made a fantastic fruit salad with strawberries, peaches, sunflower seeds and a light drizzlew of honey. I am on a mission to make these veggies taste good so that I can consume more of them!

This weekend I derailed. I went to Marie Callendars and ordered fried delights! I don't even want to know the calorie damage. I did make one power smoothie on Saturday, but Sunday morning I ate two cheese quesdillas.

My old stomach pains came back with vengence. I have to watch out for those and remain calm this week at work.

Oh and my old enemy ice cream came back last week. I was so desperate to eat it that I ate the kind in a cone with nuts. I scraped all the nuts off just to get to the ice cream.

This week I am focusing on amping up the fruit, vegetables and protiens.

So here is today's menu

Breakfast- strawberry, peach salad with sunflowwer seeds and honey.

Snack-1) celery sticks and baby carrots with salad dressing

Lunch- Salad with almonds, tomatos and veggie patty

Snack 2) light yogurt

Dinner- black beans, rice and baked fish

Noon time walk and evening walk!

Happy Eating!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Losing weight in the mist of one of the most difficult times of my life, working at a job that is stressful and trying to complete my degree all while being a newly wed and taking care of my grandmother is very difficult. I have to acknowledge that all these things are apart of my struggle with weight. Some times I am down, but I am not out!

I had a bagel with cream cheese this morining. I feel awful today. I have a major sinus headache. I have noticed that when I eat unhealthy foods now I don't feel so hot. I am will pick it back up by having my salad with my veggie patties today. I will have my cereal for dinner and try once again to win the battle against after dinner dinning. Once I reach that victory I feel like the pounds will melt off. I will reign in my bad behavior so that I can have a great weekend full of healthful eating and I plan to really sore next week.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Changing your thinking, change your life!

I realized that I was thinking very negative thoughts earlier. That way of thinking will not bring healing and life to my body. I know what I gained a lot of weight in a short period of time, but I do want to divorce myself from extremely negative thoughts of punishment and torture. I will simply follow the principle of eating healthy foods and walking and see what rewards will come from that. I am through with controlled eating. I am tired of feeling like a failure when I don't stick to a strict routine. It is far more important for me to learn to choose healthy life giving foods than junk. If there are two food groups I want to eat less of those are fried/ fast foods and excess sugar.


Still not on track!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe that I am still not on track! Last night I ate some hot chips and and ice cream cone. I have no idea how many extra calories that was. I don't feel like by body is getting enough exercise either! It is raining today so I may not even be able to go for my 20 minute walk. I am getting tired and frustrated. I am just not where I desire to be. I read success stories and I think to myself, why can't that be me. It makes no sense that I am so short five, three and there are girls five nine that weigh far less than me. There is no may I should be this size. At the most I should be 150lbs. I am so depressed. I feel so trapped living with my grandma. I am living like an 85 year old woman. I am so afraid to take the reigns and make the changes necessary to lose weight. I should be walking 2 hours a day 7 days a week, and I know it!

I may start a morning walk, but the sad thing is I feel so guilty for trying to take some time to myself. I am a hermit I don't even leave the house on the weekends. Every day I go from work to the couch to the bed. On weekends I just go from the couch to the bed. I cannot afford to eat the way I do, with my beyond sendentary lifestyle. I am basically not living at all.

Even flowers and plants need fresh air, sun shine and water to survie. I am literally not living at all. I am not meeting my bodies needs. I get so frustrated I want to cry. I have to face the fact that I have to adapt to an indoor routine. I may have to start doing 30 minutes of indoor walking and some crunchies and free weights every day. I don't know what else I can do to make it happen. I may also have to converte all my breakfast to a fruit smoothie and have two salads a day with veggie patties, for every meal. I don't know what else to do to save myself.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Still Pushing!!!

I totally tanked yesterday. I ate the food on my plan, but I had more than a few extra's including chocolate at work, popcorn at night and 2 rice crispie treats. Losing weight this second time is harder than ever. I am seeing that everyday I have to launch myself anew until I get this right. I have to then keep getting it right for the rest of my life. I just heard about this man dying of terminal diabetes, I think the actress Neil Carter died from the same thing. I am most definitely not trying to go out like that. I will keep fighting. I will have a good day today.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Snacks are a plague!!!!!!

I am still eating the foods that I am supposed to eat, but I still have my complusive eating behavior and my crazy snacking impluse. Yesterday I did eat two butter croisants and some butter pecan ice cream which was definiely not on the eating list. Today I was tempeted to eat chocolate even though I am not hungry at all. It is like I forget I may drink, just not eat. Yesterday I had 3 bags of popcorn. I need to stop eating between meals period. I also feel like this cereal thing is a carb party. I may need to have veggie burgers and a V8 juice instead. The cereal is definitely not making me full.

Would it be crazy if I ate 6 veggie burgers a day and 2 V8 juices and a fruit-cup? I need to eat 3 meals a day and I need to clean up my diet.


Monday, March 22, 2010

The more I post......

I have a theory that the more I post the more I will lose.

Here is the weekend report. I was not able to stay away from snacks, but I did not eat out and I did not eat any food that was not on my diet menu. I did go a little crazy sunday night eating 4 waffels and 2 veggie patties and two bowls of cereal. I am going to make the following tweaks to my plan based on my observations, I am going to add more calories to each meal and cut the total meals down to three max per day.

Meal #1 2 veggie patties and a fruit cup 330 cal

Meal#2 2 veggie patties and a V8 juice 300 cal

Meal#3 2 bowls of cereal 500 cal

homemade soda 5 cal any time! 1140 cal total

By the way, weight is 260lbs. In two weeks I hope to be at 250lbs by sticking to my diet very strictly and walking during lunch times!!!!


Saturday, March 20, 2010

40lbs in 30 days!!!!!!!

So this 260lb dude on youtube Marsalis686 say's he lost 40lbs in 30 days by eating grapefruit and drinking water for two days. Maybe it was because he was a man and he was so over weight, I don't know.

I do wonder what would happen if I really got strict on this diet by not eating the snacks, which is my goal btw and by taking my walking to another level. I am thinking about doing a walk from my grandma's house to my apartment. My grandma lives on 106th ave and I live on 143rd. All I want to do is lose this weight. I bet if I were to walk for 6 miles, aka 2 hours four times a week I could do it. Like a walk on sat, sun, tue, thur. I think those will be my new work out times. I like my lunch time walks, but I know if I take it to the next level combined with my diet I could see some real results. I would like to lose 10lbs a month! I want to be 200lbs or smaller by December!


Up late!

I basically followed my plan to the t. I did have some snacks after dinner though, a pop sicle and 2 rice crispie treats. I will bring that under submission soon. Oh I tasted the spicey V8 and it is good. Will drink that on the weekends to boost veggie intake! Oh and I created my own five calorie soda!

Here is what you need.

Sparkling water or club soda, low sodium

crystal light or ocean spray powder pack.

Just pour the powder in the water and shake for a 5 cal sugar-free soda!


Friday, March 19, 2010


The best kept weight-loss secret is........


Discipline incorporates, hard work, determination, will power, training, persistance, commitment, focus and dedication.

Discipline is the ability to comply with rules set by yourself!

Discipline is the real key to accomplishing your goals.

I used discipline today when I walked past those cookies in the kitchen. It will take this discipline to stay on my diet. When I implement my exercise program it will also require discipline.

Discipline is also about doing things you don't like or want to do to reach your goals. You want a clean house, but is takes discipline to come home and sweep and mop.

The person that lacks discipline is lazy and does not achieve his or her goals. You must consistently practice discipline in order to recieve success. Walking pass the cookies today, does me no good if I don't do the same tommorow. After a while I will train my mind and body to comply to my rules and only then will it get easer and then it is on to the next challenge.

Happy Weight-loss!

The next challange that I will embark on is a morning walk 7 days a week. I will go to bed by 9 so that I can get up and walk from 5-7am. I am not ready today, but I will be preparing myself soon. For now I will stick to my diet.


Goals for today!

Today I hope to take my 30 min walk at lunch time. This is what I hope to eat today.

Breakfast- veggie patty+ fruit-cup 270 cal

snack- 20 almonds 200 cal

Lunch- beans and vegetables 170 cal

Dinner- cereal 200 cal

No snacks afterwards!!!!!! May have a drink for 5 cal.

Out Of the Park!!!!!!!

Okay so here are the results of my first day.

Breakfast- veggie patty + fruit-cup 200cal

snack- almonds 200 cal

Lunch- veggie patty + fruit-cup 170 cal

Dinner- Cereal 300 cal

Snack- rice bar + ice cream bar+ 4 pieces of chocolate 300 cal

In all I stayed well undr 1200 cal a day.

I think I need to work on my after dinner snacking impulse. If I continue the behavior it could serve to derail me and I am not having that. Today I will not snack afer dinner at all. I will try this for 7 days and see how I feel.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Making It Happen!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am back in action and thist time I am not playing. I have swept my house (my job) clean of all junk which means there will be no junk coming into my body any more!!!!!!!!!!

Here is Carolyn's Diet!!!!!!!!!!

Week Days!

Breakfast- veggie patty and fruit-cup (may sub with real fruit)

Lunch- veggie patty and cup of frozen vegetables

Dinner- 1 cup of beans and 1 cup of frozen vegetables

Snack- 20 almonds

Dessert- 1 fruit-cup

Week end

Breakfast- fruit smoothie (berries, bananas and soymilk)

Lunch/Dinner- fresh salad with beans or grilled fish with salad

Snack- 20 almonds

This plan is no-nonsense! No junk food period! This plans really focuses on high fruit and vegetable intake. It also eliminates excuses by relying on a combination of fresh and frozen and canned fruits and vegetables! I will most definitely be healthy and lose weight on this plan. I just have to have a one track mind and stick to the plan. This will mean only buying these foods and not eating out or snacking on foods that are not on this plan period!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Plan!!!!!!!

Get with the program small changes lead to big weight-loss.


Breakfast- Special K Protein Shake or V8 drink

Snack- 20 Almonds

Lunch- Veggie Patty + Fruit-cup

Dinner- a) veggie patty or beans avec vegetables (broccoli, string beans, greens or salad) (sides either corn or ½ baked potato)

Dessert- sugar-free jello

Exercise walking 30min mon-fri

Walking 1hr sat and sun


Monday, March 15, 2010

Fighting Fat Back!

I was down, but I am not out!!!!!

Here is my plan to get control of my weight and get my life back!

#1 I am going to go to bed at 9pm. Need the rest to reduce the stress and depression.

#2 I am going to stick to my walking at lunch time on sunny days.

#3 I am going to have a hummus sandwich on whole wheat for breakfast

#4 The only snack I will eat will be fruit-cups!!!!!!!!!!!!

#5 I will eat beans or a veggie burger for lunch and dinner. I will eat broccoli, string beans, greens and salad etc!)

#6 I will do arms exercises with weight and crunchies 3 times a week on mon, wed and fri!

I will be following this plan untit I reach a healthy weight! My bmi is 136lbs. My healthiest weight in the past was 150lbs, but I believe I can be happy with 170lbs.

I will not be making changes, I will be sticking to this plan!!!!

The Amazing Secrets to gaining weight!!!!!

I am now 285lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I weighed myself on saturday and instead of losing weight I gained 15lbs. I am 15lb from 300lbs!!!!!!

If this weekend is any indication, let me tell you what I ate

chow mein
egg rolls
bean buritto
ice cream


This didn't happen in one weekend though. I gained this weight despite my bloging, video exercises and walking, despite my salad eating and cereal eating.

Today I am at a lost. I will reflect and get back to you later.


Friday, March 12, 2010

All or nothing!

I am guilty of having an all or nothing attitude. This is bad, because when I fall short I beat myself up and start to quit. I also am guilty of wanting rapid results. I also am cleary trying to focus on one too many things.

For my diet I need to focus on winning by doing small things.

#1 I am going to have a fresh fruit salad with almonds for breakfast mon-fri

#2 I am going to have a salad with a veggie patty for lunch mon-fri

#3 I am going to drink water only at work

#4 I am going to walk at lunch time

#5 I am going to do my arm workout with weights on tue, thur, sat,

#6 I am going to do my 20 crunchies on tue, thur, sat

#7 I am going to do my step on Sat and Sun for 15 min,

#8 I am going to have cereal for dinner with no snacks mon-fri.

On sat and Sunday I will not worry about what I eat!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Ugly Truth!!!

My stomach hurts right now!!!! This really hurts!!!!!!

I anm going to have to abandon ship on all processed foods for a while!!!!

I will have to eat fresh fruit and almonds for breakfast.
I will have to eat fresh salad with beans for lunch and dinner.


Checking In

I am still going to follow my three meals a day plan.

#1 I ate 2 slices of whole grain bread with hummus, 8oz glass of 100% fruit juice, 1 banana and 3 cheese sticks (Working on getting up the nerve to get rid of all my junk food including cheese sticks)

#2 At lunch I will have a veggie burger with 1/2 apple

#3 I will have a bowl of shredded wheat with almond milk

I will go for my walk and do my weight-training circuit, it's time!

Happy Weight-loss!


(Working on a plan to boost vegetable intake, may start eating carrots and celery, cherry tomatos etc on the side of my sandwiches at noon! Also looking for a calicum supplement!)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Food Control Plan

I will be following the principles of food control.
#1 3 meals a day
#2 1/2 rule
#3 smaller plates
#4 have kids portion

Breakfast- peanut butter and jelly sandwich with 1 piece of fruit

Lunch-peanut butter and jelly sandwich with 1 piece of fruit

Dinner-veggie patty with salad


Confessions of a food addict!!!!

Sometimes I feel like I should be at a fat camp, where the kitchen is locked. I am so greedy. When I go to the grocery store I know I am in trouble. I bought all kinds of junk to work today, pop tarts, cheese sticks. I have all kinds of stuff here, nuts, popcorn, yogurt etc. The problem is I don't follow hunger cues well and I end up eating all day. Small meals throughout the day do not work for me. I need to go back to three meals a day. Already today I have eaten all kinds of stuff and it is only two o'clock. If I want to win this battle I will have to eat three meals a day. I am addicted to food and I eat from bordum and stress! I have to stop eating late in the evening too!!!!I don't want to have a dangerous surgery so I have to cut back on my eating. I think it wouldn't even be so bad to have ice cream if I knwe how to use a little food control.


Health Alert!!!!! The Real Key to Weight-loss!!!!!

The real key to weight-loss is food control!!!!!

Food control is counting calories, sticking to a meal plan, limiting portion sizes etc. Most weight-loss programs are based on food control. Jenny Craig gives you a prepared meal plan with a set amount of calories. Weight-watchers teaches you portion control, by giving you point values for food.

Usually people approach their diet from one of two ways. They either use some form of food control or they focus on eating healthy. Focusing on eating healthy can be a major trap that will not lead to weight-loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The reason for this is because lots of foods are labled healthy, but the only foods that are truly healthy are raw fruits and vegetables with no added sugar, salt or fat. Almost all packaged foods have added salt, sugar or fat.

Here is a list of foods that are often labled healthy but will cause you to pack on the pounds....
low fat packaged foods
cereal bars
energy bars
dried fruit
fruit juice

The real reason that many people are fat is because they eat too much. If you are an over eater or an emotional eater, do not fall into the trap of eating healthy. Focus on food control and you will lose weight. Take it from a 260lb 5 ft 3 in vegeterian, eating so called healthy foods is not enough, and sometimes can do more harm than good. The best route is to eat fresh fruits and vegetables in a system that uses food control. If you cannot afford a program that teaches food control here are a few tips.

#1 Try eating only three meals a day
#2 Eat from smaller plates and cups
#3 Say no to seconds
#4 Use the 1/2 rule
#5 Have a kids size meal



The Good: I went for my walk yesterday. Last night I did a weight-training circuit from prevention magazine!

The Bad: I had a coke float after dinner!

Update of my plan: I decided not to be so strict witht the diet and just to focus on eating healthy meals. I will keep eating my fruit and fresh salads while I am at work. In the evenings I will try to eat healthy meals with my family. Last night we ate black eye peas and rice. I bought some apples and bananas today. I will be having my fruit with either almonds, cheese or yogurt as a snack in between meals. I did add in 100% fruit juice, because 1 cup is 2 servings of fruit. For breakfast I had a hummus sandwich on whole wheat bread with a cup of juice. For snack I will have an apple and some almonds, then later I will have an orange and a string cheese. For lunch I will have my salad, with a string cheese. For dinner I will have some broccoli and a baked potato and a veggie patty.

I will be doing my workouts with weights 3 times a weeks on Monday's, Thursday's and Saturdays.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Life post: Control

This is related to weight-loss, because stress causes weight gain....

I realize today that I am a total control freak. When I feel out of control I feel unhappy. I like to control my future, my job and my body! I am an obsseive planner. I am so afraid to lose control that I have never drank alcohol. This also means that I don't depend on anyone other than myself. I realize that this is unhealthy and in order to find peace and happiness I am going to have to accept the parts of my life that are not perfect.

I have to learn to accept that my job is chaotic and I have to stop trying to constantly get it on track. I need to do the best I can each day and leave it at that. I need to stop being a worry wort. I need to stop being obsessived with being on time. Being late is not the end of the world. I do not need to have an all or nothing personality.

I especially need to have a flexible attitude when it comes to weight-loss. I am going to try my best to stick to my program and the principals of the program so that I can be healthier, I am going to keep walking, but I am going to be realistic about my weight loss plans and goals. Right now I just want to lose 10 lbs. I will celebrate my 10lb weight loss. I realize I may not see this unitl April or June, but I am going to work toward my goal.

I am offically taking a chill pill!


The Ugly Truth!

I did not stick to the plan over the weekend. I had popeyes shrimp, potato salad and fried fish!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not move a muscle this weekend. So it is monday morning and I am trying to recover and get back on the plan.


Breakfast- fruit, almonds, hummus and whole grain bread, water only, do my walks and do some crunchies, curls and presses
Lunch/Dinner- salad with veggie patty


Friday, March 5, 2010

Crazy stomach aches and suspect food!!!!

I haven't had stomach pain in months, but now that I am eating healthy again they are back!!!!!!!!!!

These are the foods I suspect...
#1 All diary products
#2 My beloved popcorn, I will trade this in for hummus and bread.

Hopefully the aches will go away.


Will the temptation never stop!

Okay so I am on track with my program. I ate my green grapes and my alomnds and a light yougurt for breakfast. I had some popcorn and a yogurt as a snack, when wham my co-worker enters the office with a large cheese pizza from roundtable that he is donating to the office! Two day's ago before I started my program I had a vegeterian pizza from there. Yesterday on the first day of my program I had some of the chinese food my family brought! It is going to be tough, but I have to stay away from that pizza today by any means necessary. I am going to go for my walk and come back and make my salad and I am going to eat my soup tonight.

On a side note my stomach felt a little funny after I ate the yogurt. I may have to cut this out. I may be adding whole grain bread and hummus to the mix, but I will have to see. The popcorn gets stuck in my throat. The most inportant thing is sticking to my plan of eating healthy.

On another update, I realize I don't drink tea that often, every once in a while is fine for me. I did not chew gum like I did yesterday. I don't really like the taste of either the fruity or the mint. I am fine with just drinking water inbetween meals.

On to three days of success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Day 1 Report!

The Good:
I ate fresh green grapes, almonds,light yogurt, popcorn,salad and soup. I only drank water and green tea with no sugar. I went for a walk at lunch time.

The Bad:
My family brought home some chinese food and I love shrimp fried rice. I was so tempted not to eat the soup, and just to eat the rice. I ate my soup first and then I ate a little of the rice.

The Ugly:
I stayed up watching a movie even though I really should have hit the bed and I ended up eating some cheese and butter crackers.

What I learned:
#1 I need to go to bed earlier
#2 I need to have 100cal popcorn as an evening snack, not cheese and crackers
#3I'm going to have to stick to my soup plan for the next 13 days!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

When I go out to eat!

When I go out to eat I dont want to eat at the low food chain restuarants anymore!

I want to eat at ethnic resturants like Ethopian, Indian or a nice vegeterian resturant!

I want to cook groumet foods at home, like fresh grilled fish or shrimp, so that I am a food snob when I go out!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Loving My temple means......

Loving my temple means treating my treating myself to things I want and deserve! I lived a childhood full of deprivation and I use to indulge by going to the movies or eating ice cream or pizza. I no longer want to use those as rewards, I am worth high class treats.

Here is my list...

#1. A vacation to a beach resort. All I need on a vacation is mediation by the ocean, long walks and reading
#2 The right to wear white. I never use to wear white, because it get's dirty fast and poor people do not want to have to do laundry that often. The clothes also wear out faster. Well I am going to wear white and tan. If I have to buy more t-shirts and bleach than so be it. I think I found my new favorite color!! Good bye only black!
#3 I have the right to buy fresh grapes, peaches, strawberries and oranges any time!
#4 I have the right to make berry, banana smoothies on the week ends!
#5 I have the right to a healthy, royal vegeterian meal on the weekends!
#6 I have the right to buy salad any time!
#7 I have the right to buy the sexist under clothes I could possible dream of!


Phase 1 of the challenge!

Breakfast- fresh fruit
Snacks- almonds (20), light yogurt, popcorn
Lunch-salad with veggie patty
Dinner- veggie soup

Success: Is eating foods from the list for the next two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!! My starting weight is 260, I hope to be 256lbs!


Exercise= walking, yoga and crunchies and light curls!!!!

Weight and Self-Esteem!

There were a few times when my weight caused me to really feel bad about myself.

#1. I was invited to a social event for my husbands job and I was so embarssed and depressed about my weight that I did not want to leave the car.

#2 We went to a marriage retreat and I felt like I was not beautiful enough for my husband

#3 I went shopping and could not find anything so I had to go to Catherines, I broke down in tears and was unable to enter the store.

The only solution to these times is UGLY


Loving yourself and looking your best will motivate you to make the life changes that will make your body change.

Happy Weight-loss


Determined to Win in 2010!

Health Update!

I started phase one of my health challenge!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!
I did add a few tweaks to the diet, like I can have almonds, pop corn and unsweetened green tea and light yogurt.

The Basic shopping list for the challenge is ....

Fresh fruit/fruit cups
Salad, phase I and every other week on Phase 3
Vegetable soup
light yogurt
green tea
sugar-less gum
pop-corn light
veggie patties
brown rice phase II and III
potatos phase II and III
string beans


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Down Size Me!

#1 rule- eat fresh fruit for breakfast and throughout the day as a snack!

Phaze 1: Induction (Salad)
14 days lunch/dinner= salad with veggie patty or beans

Phaze 2: Rotation of vegetables
7 days Broccoli
(broccoli, 1/2 baked potato, veggie patty or beans)
7 days Greens
(greens, 1/2 baked potato, veggie patty or beans)
7 days String beans
(string beans, 1/2 baked potato, veggie patty or beans)

Phaze 3: Rotation Diet



Film Review!

Super Size Me

Review: This was the documentary of a man who ate Mc Donalds food for breakfast lunch and diner for 30 days. What was alarming was to find out that after 30 days of living this way his liver was in grave danger!!!! This is something to really teach you to respect the body. He gained 25lbs in two weeks!!! It took him 8 weeks to lose that much weight, afer that another 9 weeks to lose the 5lbs. It takes the body a long time to correct this kind of damage. I have been eating fast food and junk food for almost two years straight and I went from being 150lbs in 2008 to being 260lbs in 2010. That is 110lbs! At the rate of 1lb a week it would take me atleast two years to get back in shape.

I learned eating out is very dangerous!!!!!!!


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Food Diary!

Breakfast- 8 butter crackers and wedge of low cal swiss cheese, light yogurt
Snack- 12 butter crackers and wedge of low cal swiss cheese, light yogurt
Snack- 3 cheese sticks
Lunch- fried veggie burger, french fries and soda
Dinner- 2 slices veggie pizza and soda

It is after 11pm and I am still hungry! I am craving sugar!!!

Fruit F
Vegetable F
Protien A
Calcium A
Water D
Fat F
Sugar F

GPA 1.28

Exercise Plans!

Walking mon-fri at lunch 30min

Low-impact aerobics 20 min mon,wed,fri

crunchies and curls 20 min thu and thur

yoga on saturdays!

Health Challenge!

I will be going into a two week health challenge called the eat right challenge.

In the morning I will eat fresh fruit

At lunch time I will eat a salad with a veggie patty

For dinner I will have a vegeterian soup!

Film Review!

Youtube channel : UCtelevision
video: sugar: the bitter truth

Presentation by Robert H. Lustig, M D


This was a very informative chemistry lesson on the harmful of effects of sugar. In this presentation I learned that Fructose is processed by the liver and that it produes VLDL bad cholesterol and lowers HDL good cholesterol. I learned that sugar cause chronic disease in the same way that acholol, ethanol causes acute disease. Fructose toxin is linked to hypertension aka strokes, type two diabetes and obesity which is linked to breast cancer. I learned that the way nature designed fructose to be diagested was to be packaged with high fiber, like fruits in vegatables in nature. I also learned that fructose gets stored in the body as fat! This is why atkins and south beach have a good message and warning people to watch their carb intake!

The presentation approaches th study of fructose from a historical, political and chemical aspect! Worth watching.


Hectic and Off Track!

Ok it is time to blab!

I have been real busy the past few days trying to get back in school. I have not even had time to sleep. I stayed up for 24 hours two days ago. I have been eating fast food, popeyes shrimp and fries yesterday and a fried veggie burger and fries today. I have settled into a routine of eating cheese and crackers daily. The fat and carb content are way too high. I should be eating fruits and vegetables and hears the real kicker, I drank a soda today. I rarily drink them!

On the exercise tip.

I went for a 30 minute walk yesterday.

What's not fair:

I read an article in shape mag about a woman who lost 50lbs by walking 35 minutes 3 days a week and doing 20 minutes of strenght training two days a week. I wish my body would respond like that.

My fear:

I am afraid that I am pushing so hard on my indoor workouts that I am going to end up giving up. I should have started with something lighter like Leslie Sanson's walk away the pounds so that I could at least do it a few times a week. Also, I am not sure my body is right for the yoga. I may have to modify my yoga routine. I still need to do some ab work and some light weights. Will finish this update later.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Weekend Updates!

On saturday I really got off track. I did weigh myself and I was 260lbs. I ate fruit for breakfast, and a salad for lunch and dinner. I got off track in the evening eating chocolate cake and fruit snacks. I also had some lemondate instead of water. I did not complete any exercise that day. I was really stressed out by a family situations.

On Sunday, I was determined to make things right. I got up, and did the Jillan Michael's fat burning workout. I completed one circuit and boy did I sweat! I also did a yoga dvd. I got a lot of chores done. For breakfast I had fruit and a cheese quesdilla with low fat cheese. For lunch I made some rice, vegetables and soy meat. Then I got derailed. I ended the day eating candy, cheese and crackers and drinking iced tea. I also stayed up until two in the morning.

So, Far today (Monday) I am exhausted. I just had some cheese and crackers and a yogurt. I will take my afternoon walk. I want to do the Jilliam Michaels circuit again and do some yoga poses on my own. I may just adapt my own stretching routine. I am still working on flexibility.

I have a ton of work to today, but I will try to get some rest in and do good this week.