Monday, December 12, 2011

No Sweets!

I will be giving up sweets.

1. They are an excess and I need to rid myself of excess permanently in order to remove excess weight. They are not a necessary part of my diet, I will not be lacking in any nutritional needs by doing so and I can focus on eating foods that are good for me.

2. All though I enjoy sweets, I believe that I can live without them. This way I can avoid having too much excess carbs that may cause me to have diabetes later. If I am going to give up a carb I rather give up candy than bread.

3. Things I consider sweets

all candy
all desert (cakes, pies, cookies)
all cold sweets (yogurt, pudding, ice cream, sherbert, sorbet)
all sweet snacks (granola, energy bars, muffins etc)
all sweet drinks (soda, juice and other sweet drinks)

No sweet flavor snacks either.


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