Thursday, April 24, 2014

Moving on Up!

Since 2008 the scale has done nothing but gone up for me. I went from 150 pounds to 300 pounds by 2014. I have just had my own wake up call! I was inspired watching this show called, "Freaky Eaters", and I had my own version of shock therapy. I realized that even on a good day I am taking in an additional 1,000 calories in junk food. Since this past Monday I have three successful days on my former eating plan which was the harm reduction model. What I have come to realize is that until I cut out my trigger foods completely, and stop binge eating I will not see any weight-loss and I will always be playing with fire. Moderation is a trap for me. When I am constantly eating and snacking as a compulsive eater I put my body in great harm by taking in excess sugar, fat and calories. I have decided that I want to change, I no longer want to binge every single night.

I am going to adopt the mighty 3 meal a day plan, with no snacking between meals, no sweets and no trigger foods. When I think about it this plan is much easier than surgery and I am capable of a lot more than I know. I will follow this plan One Day At A Time.

Here are some benefits to the 3 Meal A Day Plan!

1. It will help me kick my addiction to the curb!

2. I will lose weight!

3. It is easier than surgery!

It is time to see that scale move down!!!!!!!!!!!


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