Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Spiritual Approach!

I have realized that my journey to lose weight and learn to love myself is a spiritual problem as well as a physical problem. So far I have only approached my problem through diet and exercise and I believe this is the reason I have fallen short of weight-loss. This is the second week of my journey and I have bienged every day this week except today. In the evening I have a routine of watching tv and eating unhealthy foods. In order to combat this destructive behavior of eating when I am not physically hungry I am going to start feeding my spirit.

How I feed my spirit. Every day I am going to start and end my day with a meditation. My meditation or devotion will be the time I will take a relaxing bath or shower, pray, read inspiraional messages, write in my journal, write a gratitude list, listen to uplifting music. I will make this my new evening routine. By feeding my spirit I hope to learn to feed my physical body foods that are better for it.

I am making an effort to lose weight by truly learning to love my whole self! I will learn to love foods that are better for my body. Weight-loss is a lot deeper than calories in and calories out.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

So close to victory!

I can tell that I am closer than ever to victory. I still feel there is something holding me back. My eating still falls apart in the later evening. I need to come up with some new radical ideas to fix this problem.

1. I may start taking a shower and putting on my pajamas after dinner. I may come in my room to read instead of watching tv and just go to bed early. Still working on things.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Week two of my program!

I have made it through my first week of my program. I am so happy and proud of myself for making it through this week. I have nine more weeks to go to complete my first weight-loss cycle. I will be weighing myself at this time.

Here are my observations from week one.

1. I have had strong temptations to beinge eat especially when I am upset or stressed. These temptations usually come in the evening when I am watching tv. I am going to print out some weight-loss stories and put them in a binder along with some pictures and inspirational quotes so that I can better fight these temptations.

2. Initally my plan was to have small treats in my diet plan like chips, cookies and fruit snacks. I feel that having eaten these things later in the evening has contributed to my temptations to bienge eat on junk food later in the evening. In an effort to avoid beinge eating I am no longer eating cookies, chips or any other trigger food that gives me the desire to over eat.

So here is what my program looks like in the second week...

Breakfast- Bagel (260) with fat-free cream cheese(60) and apple sauce (50). (370)

Lunch- Sandwich( 2 slices bread 100% whole wheat (120), low-fat salad dressing (50), 3 slices thin turkey deli meat (45), mustard) 1/4 cup trail-mix (130) (assorted nuts and dried fruit), non-fat yogurt (100) (445)

Dinner- Chicken soup (200)

Drink- Water

No snacks

Cal 1015

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rain, rain go away!

I am still looking for the rainy day workout solution. When I am at my apartment I can use the treadmill. When I am at my grandmas house I am going to have to Leslie Sansones walk away the pounds dvd for twenty minutes.

In the future I plan to buy some comfortable boots and a nice rain coat so that I can still walk for at least twenty minutes on rainy days. I must workout daily. I may go online to research how runners and walkers keep up their routine during the bad weather days.

I need to prepare myself to stay on program when I go to Texas for the holidays. I need to go shopping as soon as I get there for the following foods.

1. fat-free cream cheese
2. bagels
3. apple sauce
4. Lunch meat
5. Salad dressing
6. Bread
7. trail-mix
8. yogurt
9.chicken soup
10. popcorn

Always be prepared!!!!!!!!!


When temptation Strikes!

It is important to remember that I am not only trying to lose weight, but to conquer an eating disorder as well. I am a complusive over eater and their are certain foods I am addicted to such as cheese, chocolate, candy, chips and crackers and fried foods. These are foods which I eat in limit-less amounts without control.

When temptation strikes I need to refocus my mind immediately, by praying, writing, turning off the tv, taking a shower and going to bed if necessary. I need to renew my mind by reading weight-loss success stories. I need to compile a collection of success stories so that I can better battle the temptations. I will make a special temptation book with articles and stories of success along with all of my goals.

The most important steps for me to take to combate temptations are as follows.

1) Stop and refocus your mind. (Pray, Review your goals and inspiration, do something like take a shower,turn off the tv!)

2)If you fall into temptation confess it, forgive yourself and go right back to your program.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Weight-loss Tips and Tricks!

Here are a few tips to hang on to.

1) Pre plan your meals daily!

2) Write down every thing you eat!

3) Track calories and stick to a calorie budget!

4)Have chicken soup, it has grain, protein and vegetables!

5) Have some deli meat!

6) Have some bread

7) Budget for treats!


When Will Power counts!

Will power is most effective after you have set in place a plan that is easy to follow. When you have a fail safe pre planned daily diet and exercise plan then you can just use your will power to say no to foods not on your plan. I don't have to make food decisions throughout the day, because I have already planned my meals the day before. The only thing I have to do is focus on saying no to eating extra stuff at the end of the night. This is better than using will power to fignt cravings or hunger pains. The only eating I have to fight is eating out of boredum or emotional eating.

Having a daily food plan means only having to use will power when you need it most!


Planning Rocks!

The key to my weight-loss success is planning! I plan all my meals and snacks for the day! I purchase foods on my plan and I start the day with a daily eating plan. I strongly believe that the reason weight-loss programs like Jenny Craig really work is that you know exactly what you will eat before you eat it. In this way eating is just like exercise it is an activity that you can do daily to make sure that you are reaching your weight-loss goals!

All you have to do is simply write out your food plan for the day and check the foods off that as you eat then. Pre plan out the calories and nutrients you want to eat and check them off as you eat them.

Here is what I ate today!

Breakfast- bagel (260) with low with 1 tables spoon low-fat cream cheese (60) and 1 cup apple sauce (50).

Lunch- sandwich bread (120) dressing (50) meat (45), chips (200)yogurt (100)

Dinner- soup (200)

Snacks- cookies (200) fruit snacks (200)

Total for the day 1485

The only thing I drank was water and that is easy to remember.


Knowing Is Have the Battle!

Knowledge truly is power!

I feel extremly confident that I will lose weight and keep it off! Ten weeks from Dec 2, 2010 I will be real close to 250lbs!

My secret weapon is in the pen just like Tyra's secret. I picked up a food and exercise journal from Kaiser's Pharmacy for $3.50 and I believe it is the best $3.50 I have ever spent!

Here is how I use the journal.

Step 1: I record every thing I eat in my journal!

Step 2: I record the calories of all the food I eat!

Step 3: I give myself a daily calorie allowance. Mine is 1500 cal

Step 4: I preplan menus of breakfast, lunch and dinner that fall within my calorie budget!

Step 5: I purchase only the foods on my pre planned meal.

Step 6: I eat only the foods on my plan and check them off as I eat them.

Step 7: I take a daily 30 min or longer walk when I can.

Knowing is half the battle. Knowing the calories in specific foods allows me to plan a meal plan that helps me stay within my daily caloric allowance! Know your calories!