Monday, December 10, 2012

The Real Question is not Why, But What!

The Real question is not why you want to lose weight, but what you are willing to do to lose the weight. For a long time I have had many reasons to lose weight, find reasons to lose seemed to be quite easy from wanting more self-esteem and cute clothes, to wanting more energy or better health. The harder question and the question that mattered the most was, What was I willing to do to lose the weight. I am know for me I am willing to do the following: Walk every day when it is not raining! Walk for at-least 20 minutes every day. Walking for 30 during my lunch break. Walk for at-least 20 minutes on weekends. Walk for multiple 20-30 minute sessions. Drink only water, tea and low cal drinks. Plan and track meals daily. Eat meals from fruit, vegetables, lean meat, and whole grains. Until now, there is one thing I was not willing to do and that was to cut out junk food, and for as long as I was unwilling to do it, the weight stayed on. I am finally willing to cut out empty calories. I am willing to give up junk food (sweets, fried foods, cheese products, chips and crackers!) I am finally willing to say I'd rather starve than eat empty calories. I am making the commitment to enter 2013 junk food free and to remain that way so that I can keep the weight off. No matter how much I may eat, I know one thing is for sure and that is my calories will no longer be coming from junk food. Junk food is way higher in fat and sugar than healthy food. For me if it is a choice between an apple or a cookie I am choosing the apple. I'd rather eat five apples than one cookie. At-least I know the apples will give me fiber and I will get full from them. The cookie is addictive and more than likely eating one cookie will lead to me eating ten. I can eat just one apple, but I have never been able to eat just one cookie! So this year I am focused on what I am willing to do to lose weight rather than why I want to lose. CLM

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