Monday, December 17, 2012

Mon Dec17 Update!

Monday December 17th Update! My goal last Monday was to reduce the amount of junk food I ate by eating small meals high in protein and by eating pretzels, frozen fruit bars, sugar-free pudding, taking in no more than 200 calories a day from treats. I did meet my goal for 3 days last week. I am still so excited that I was able to get my eating under control for the 3 days. The rest of the days I did eat junk food and even some fast food. I realized that the difference between the days I met my goal and the days I did not was tracking. I tracked my calories on the days I met my goal. I now see the importance of Tracking as a powerful aid to my health and weight-loss. When I track I eat less food. I am more aware of what I eat and I make healthy food choices. Tracking is so beneficial to my weight-loss journey that I will not become a devoted tracker, knowing that whether I track the good, bad or ugly I will always eat better tracking than what I would have eaten without tracking. Awareness is a powerful tool. Tracking is a powerful tool that takes practice and it requires learning how to make it work for you. My new goal for Monday December 24th is to have tracked for 7/7 days. I know that by tracking I will meet my goal of staying under 200 calories per day for my treats! CLM

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