Monday, August 9, 2010

Where is the discipline?

The discipline in eating right is in my mind. I know that fruit and vegetables are good for me. I am going to commit to eating healthier. I believe I was making a hugh mistake trying to force stuff those energy bars into my body. The truth is they are too sweet. Thats right I do not enjoy them at all! I will just have 2 veggie patties and an apple sauce. Almost the same amount of calories only way better tasting. Since I am loading up so well on the protein at the first two meals I may be able to concentrate on just having a salad for dinner. I really need the vegetables any way. I will keep the unsweetened apple sauce though. I am going to make this little tweak and see where it takes me. I do need to practice controlled eating for a while. I know I will get better at it. I do want to watch my carbs and just get them from whole fruits and vegetables for a while. I think rice and potatos instead of processed grains which has extra sugar. I am going to try to make these adjustments and see if it will not help me stick to the plan better. I fell off the snack wagon this weekend. On saturday I threw away all my snacks. On Sunday I brought in extra. I suspect that my peace treaty with cereal was my real undoing! I am just going to have to follow my plan to the T no extra's fruit or cereal allowed. I have to take my sugar intake way down if I want to win this battle over the food cravings.

Behold my new and improved plan!

Breakfast- 2 veggie patties and apple sauce 300 cal

Lunch- 2 veggie patties and apple sauce 300 cal

Dinner- Salad with 2 veggie patties 300 cal

Total approximately 900 cal


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