Wednesday, May 7, 2014

It Tasted Like Cake Frosting!

I had my husband order some white chocolate from Switzerland. The candy is hard to find here in the States. I had the candy a long time ago and I thought the candy tasted like heaven. Every year I tell my husband he can buy me some for my birthday and every year I am on some kind of diet and can't eat it, so I always cancel the order at the last minute. Finally this month, I told my husband to go ahead and order the candy for me. Last night I ate my precious coveted Swizz white Chocolate and it tasted like Cake Frosting! Like Cake Frosting! I loath the taste of Cake Frosting and usually will scrap if off of cup cakes or cake. It just goes to show the desire for a thing is some times better than the actual thing.

In a strange twist of events I was craving a green smoothie for dinner last night so I drank one. I felt like I would be hungry later only drinking a green smoothie so I planned to have a bagel thin and some sliced turkey if I got hungry. I did get hungry to I had the toast and turkey. I am so happy I did trust myself enough to drink my greens when I was craving them.

Imagine craving green smoothie and being put off by white chocolate!

So far I have earned two out of 7 days on plan and still have the potential to earn a 7 out of 7.

I found a new technique this week of rating my mood on a scale of 10 to -10. 10 being based on the best day ever and -10 the worse day ever. My goal is to begin practicing sticking with my Sacred Snacks on the good days on the scale, while not worrying so much about the really bad days. I began putting it into practice the other night. I was at Target and I was looking at the muffins. I really wanted those muffins in that moment. I turned the muffins around so that I could see the stats. The muffins had 12 grams of fat! I was like "Oh No, I can do better than that!" I ended up purchasing some chewy granola bars with chocolate chips instead which only had 2.5 grams of fat, much better! On this day my mood was at a level 7. I could have easily eaten the muffins as easily as the granola bar on a level 7 day. Little by little I hope to improve my eating in this way.

I have also come up with a new weekend strategy for manage my eating! I am thinking about implementing the following tricks to have better eating on the weekend:

1. Have a healthy breakfast to start the day ( Green Smoothie)

2. Have a 2nd Breakfast instead of mindless munching ( Turkey and Toast w/ fruit ex.)

3. Have all you can eat fresh fruit to fill up on!

4. Snack on my Sacred Snacks throughout the day! ( Jello, light chips etc)

5. Make smarter fast food choices such as Taco Bell two chicken soft tacos.

6. Eat out at restaurants without going over board by cutting drinks, appetizers and bread and only eating 1/2 of the food.

7. Don't keep left over junk by ordering a smaller pizza and keeping the damage contained to just the one meal!

8. Get in some activity on the weekend to keep my mind off eating!


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