Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Difference Between A Diet And A Life Style

I think the difference between a diet and a life style change is whether the healthy changes you are making are truly things you can stick with in the long haul. I think in order to form habits for life they must be balanced and things you can truly live with. Radical extremes get in the way of progress. For me saying I am going to walk for 2 hours 7 days a week is unrealistic, I could do it for a few weeks, but eventually I would fall off, I may procrastinate on doing it in the first place. This is an example of a diet mentality. What I do instead is say I am going to walk for 20 minutes in the morning before work, and 20 minutes most days after work and 30 minutes during my lunch. It is far easier for me to stick to the smaller chunks of time, because I don't feel pressure to get every thing done in one session. I find comfort in knowing I will have another chance to finish what I started. I find it difficult to get away for longer stretches of time and I find the prospect of walking for such a long period daunting whereas the idea of walking for twenty to thirty minutes is doable. I am finding that the main thing I need when it comes to life style changes is to find what truly works for me. No more all or nothing! CLM

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