Friday, August 1, 2014

Welcome August!

This month I am doing a Junk Food Detox. I am eating 3 meals with no sweets or snacks between meals. I have always debated whether I should do a three meal, no snacks, no sweets plan, but I find that my problem truly is my junk food addiction and in order to change I have to change the patterns of behavior that support my large junk food consumption and eat in a manner that will help me to cut it out.

The first few days doing this detox have been challenging. I still have the sensations and craving's to eat, but I am choosing to see them as slight discomfort. I had my wisdom teeth pulled last month and I know that my discomfort now is minor compared to real physical pain. I also know that my plan is doable and that there are other things that are more challenging to me than doing the detox such as running a marathon and yet millions of people train for and run marathons.

I know the detox will not be easy, but I know that it is time for me to do the hard work and fight for myself and break free from my addiction.


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