Thursday, May 30, 2013



Almost no one would think they could eat cake in the middle of the day, for just any old reason, but we trust cookies. Cookies have become an every day snack. They are thin and light, easy to carry, have a long shelf-life, and we are convinced that they are pretty much harmless. Even a person who stays ten feet away from soda and juice at all times will not think twice about biting into a cookie. The COOKIE has become the treat that we have gotten use to after our lunch time meals or as an afternoon or late night snack. Even is we eat desert, should we really be eating it twice a day? What makes the COOKIE even more sinister is that you can rarely eat just one, unless of course the cookie is the size of your face!

Even when we have finally come to our senses and admitted that COOKIES are the DEVIL, we fool ourselves with the LOW-FAT COOKIE, THE SUGAR-FREE COOKIE, THE HIGH FIBER COOKIE, THE VEGAN COOKIE, THE GLUTEN-FREE COOKIE, etc. No matter what the package say's be warned that a COOKIE, IS STILL A COOKIE!

Unless you want to end up like the COOKIE MONSTER, a big giant blue thing, well maybe you won't turn blue like him, but any how, just treat all cookies the same. Remember that the best defense is a good offense. Keep the house a COOKIE FREE ZONE! Just Say No, in the grocery store. Check your cart and remove items at the check-out if you have to. Do not buy value size packs of cookies, you do not need to STORE COOKIES in your home or your BELLY! Unless there is NUCLAR WAR COOKIES will still be around.

And if for some reason you really do want to bring home a pack of cookies, why don't you just add all 24 cookies into your weight-loss tracker and stop kidding yourself!


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

So Long May!

The Month in Review:

1. My family was in town for a visit and during the visit my grandmother had a fall and was hospitalized. This caused major stress and I experienced a phenomenon I coin, "Bi-polar Eating", in which I eat healthy for part of the day and then eat crazy junk for the next part of the day, and continue this trend throughout the day. In the past I only ate one way, which was totally out of control.

2. I also got the stomach flu, which was horrible. I lived of a strict diet of Gatorade and Crackers.

3. I uncovered my gluten intolerance and have been on a gluten free diet for the latter part of the month, doing a complete overhaul of my food plan.

4. I rejoined Weight Watchers and have attended several meetings.

5. I have just finished my sessions with my trainer, in the Get Fit/ Stay Fit Program at my job. I had been strength training twice a week and no longer fear weights! I did my check out assessment after several months in the program and my blood pressure is lower and I am down 10 pounds bring my latest weight to date as of 5/29/2013 is 257 pounds! I am happy to have broken out of my plateau!

The major lessons I have learned this month:

1. Nacho's (tortilla chips with cheese) are not for me, this food is difficult to portion control and I can binge easily on this food.

2. Low Carb Living is not for me. I need fruit, vegetables and even starch.

3. I must not give up treats and snacks. I can find a happy middle ground.

4. Setting a weight-loss goal of no more than 2 LBS a month works for me. That is if I set a goal at all!


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hello May!

First let me shout for joy that I made it through April! I am so looking forward to this month. My primary goals this month are to continue walking with my walking group three days a week. To continue my twice a week strength training sessions. To track what I eat this month, so that I can be honest about what I am putting into my body. To focus on eating small portions. To keep junk food out of the house. To focus on popcorn, pudding, and frozen fruit bars for after dinner snacks, along with tea, hot chocolate and gum. I want to make sure that I am eating a veggie burger with yogurt for breakfast and lunch every day, including weekends. I want to make sure that I am taking a morning walk on the weekends. I want to continue to eat healthy meals rich in vegetables for dinner Monday-Friday. I will allow myself two fast food meals twice a week on weekends, chipotle, taco bell, subway, but I will try not to buy desserts from there. If I want to treat myself to a dessert while I am out, I will choose frozen yogurt. I want to continue to journal my feeling daily. I am hoping to have a strong month as I fight each day to stay on track and recover from April's damage.