This past month I have been really struggling with my
compulsive eating. I decided to try out some new things, I have been using a
Sobriety Journal so that I can stay in touch with what is really eating me
every day and I have also been writing out Sobriety Prayers, a way to draw
strength for the day. I have been attending some OA meetings and keeping an
open mind.
When I first began this blog I had one simple goal and that
was to lose weight. Through this experience of trying to lose weight I have
discovered that I am indeed a compulsive overeater. Now I understand that
weight-loss for me isn’t as simple as exercise more, as I have held to a
walking regimen for the past year. It is also not as simple as eating right,
while I did learn a great deal about nutrition on my journey. I have learned to
eat a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as healthy between meal
snacks. The problem for me is that I have a compulsion to eat junk food after
dinner and to eat junk food between meals on the weekends.
I thought I would find the answer to weight-loss in diet and
exercise and that when I began this blog, that I would end it with a beautiful
after picture, a number of pounds lost and a few tips on what helped me to lose
the weight. I know understand that my problem is not being overweight, my
problem is that I am a compulsive overeater and that problem will not just go
away, I cannot fix that problem through diet and exercise alone. As of this
moment I am no longer on a weight-loss journey. I am on a never ending journey
to manage my compulsive overeating.
The purpose of this blog is no to no longer record my
weight-loss journey, but to share any wellness, self-love, inspirational,
motivational healthy lifestyle tips that I come across along my own journey to
self-love and complete wellness. I may occasionally share some of my struggle
with compulsive overeating, and what I am doing to help deal with it from time
to time. Thank you to all the readers that came along to share in my
weight-loss journey and thank you to any readers that want to share in my
wellness, self-love, healthy lifestyle journey.
To any readers that are compulsive overeaters, you are not
alone. I do not claim to have any answers and I am not cured. I am learning to
take every day “One Day At A Time”. Like I said earlier I am using three things
right now to help me, the Sobriety Journal, a journal where I reflect on my
thoughts and feeling’s for the day, a
written prayer for Sobriety that I write each day and I am currently attending
OA meetings.